The boy watched for a while. The wind was whistling high and sharp, and it tore the words from Caewen’s lips as she spoke. Although the boy’s hearing had retained most of its sharpness since the poisoning, he still couldn’t make out much of the conversation. But stranger than this, he could make out none…
The Liminal Fantasy
Audio for those who’d rather listen I think most people can agree that there is a usually a dividing line between fiction and non-fiction, and that this line is mostly to do with the perspective of the writer. Does the writer believe what they are writing is real in a tangible and epistemological sense? Yes:…
A Charm for the Nameless Child #72
The path did not go by a straight route at all. It switched back and forth, and dove in and out of buttresses of rock that jutted from the cliffs like outthrust bows of ships, or walls, or the askew bones of giants. The way had clearly been cut and carved to make progress easier,…
On Colours and Evil
Audio for those who’d prefer to listen. DARKNESS, BLACKNESS, COLOUR & EVIL: A DISCUSSION This little essay came about because of an earlier reddit post, where a redditor asked the not unreasonable question: why is darkness and blackness so often associated with evil in fantasy? There were some thoughtful and interesting answers in the post,…
A Charm for the Nameless Child #71
“Could it be an encamped army?” Dapplegrim shook his head. “No. I don’t think so. It smells too lived-in, if that makes sense. There’s something nearer too. Over this way.” Dapplegrim strolled off through the thistles, crushing them down to white fibrous stalks under his hooves and seemingly not noticing the finger-length spikes. The others…
Possibly the world’s worst immune system?
I’m only just recovering from being sick again. It seems like any small preschool bug the children bring home just knocks me out. I am very much looking forward to them getting old enough to get past the ‘constantly sick’ phase. Hopefully, hopefully, I’ll be able to get back into a bit of a run…
A Charm for the Nameless Child #70
Fleat returned after about a half-hour. “What news?” said Caewen getting up and stretching her arms. As soon as he was done shedding his fathers, he said, “There is a way through the mountains. It’s overgrown, but I think there’s a road under the ivy and tangles. It looks disused. I saw no signs of…
A Charm for the Nameless Child #69
After an hour, Fleat returned with news that the lands were clear of patrols and hunters. For now at least. Finally, at around mid-morning, Caewen, woke. She was bleary, slow to move, and clearly still suffering from the previous days’ exhaustions. At first, barely willing to leave her bedroll, she made her way to the…
Back into posting
Hi everyone. I should be back to posting again in a regular way. The usual thing knocked me over: preschooler home sick for a week, and the various flow-on effects, needing to catch up, and so on and so on. However, I’m caught up now, so I should start to get some posting done.
A Charm for the Nameless Child #68
He didn’t know how to cipher or write. At least, that had been true yesterday. He picked up a stick, and rather clumsily wrote the words – I – can – write – in the loose dirt of the ground. What language was that? It wasn’t the common Altongue that everyone spoke day-to-day. It was…